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中国网 china.com.cn  时间: 2007-09-14

邀 请 函

金秋十月,由国家帆船帆板协会和深圳市2011年世界大学生运动会组委会执行局联合主办的首届中国杯帆船赛将扬帆深圳大亚湾海域,这是中国首个大型国际高端帆船赛事,它集自然、挑战、竞技、高端的气质,引领全新产业链并打造高端赛事品牌,将会是中国蓝色文明重新启航的里程碑。 2007年9月20日上午10点,中国杯帆船赛北京新闻发布会暨中国杯名人高尔夫赛签约仪式,将在北京钓鱼台国宾馆5号楼1层庆功厅举行。诚邀您的出席!追心中的海 逐世界的梦






Invitation We would like to extend our cordial invitation to you to attend the CCIR Beijing Press Conference & Signing Ceremony of CCIR Celebrity Invitation Golf Tournament at 10:00AM, 20th September 2007 at Triumph Hall, 1/F Building No.5, Diaoyutai State Guesthouse, Beijing. The China Cup International Regatta (CCIR) will take place in Daya Bay, Shenzhen in this October. Jointly organized by the Chinese Yachting Association and the Organizing Committee of the 26th Summer Universiade (Shenzhen, China), CCIR is the first international standard regatta ever held in China. Combining the elements of nature, challenge, competition and prestige, this milestone event will generate a new industrial chain and kick off a new progress in the Blue Culture in China. Your prompt presence will be highly expected. Riding in the wind.

Organizing Committee

China Cup International Regatta

September 5, 2007

P.S: Please present your name card at your arrival.

For any inquiry, please don’t hesitate to contact: Nelly/Shirley: 010 84211113 EXT.1021 / 1002 or 13811629060 / 13661057915

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